All tucked in...
Nell has been sleeping on the couch in the living room ever since she came to live with us. She liked sleeping alone few nights a week... other time, she would sleep with me. Now, she's getting into a bad habit and I need to nip it in the bud, but I'm not sure what I want to do... She'll first sleep on the couch as usual, but around 1 am, she'll come running into my room and wake me up. Then she'll hog the bed for the rest of the night... ughhh.... I probably need to put her in the crate to teach her to sleep in one spot all night long... If only she would sleep on the couch...
Marshall squirms around a lot in the night which means I don't always get a solid night's sleep. Of course, my boyfriend squirms about as much and he weighs 10 times as much so if I'm gonna kick anyone out of bed it would be him lol!
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