I live with a bedhog!
When Nell came to live with me, I let go of my rule of "dogs don't sleep in human's bed". Now, it's been few months and even though she sleeps on the couch some nights, when she sleeps with me, she likes to position herself right in smack middle of the bed. I believe this will help me during the winter since she's sooo warm, but during the summer, it's bit much. Some mornings, I wake up, and I'm on the cusp of falling off the bed because the sweet princess is on her back, spread out, and somehow, she has all of my covers. This is what I get for letting the doggie sleep with me. ;-)
EVERY night is a struggle for bed space and covers with Marshall. It seems Boston's love to be bedhogs. When we move him from one spot on the bed to another he makes this long whiny groan, like we are putting him out! Its going to be insane when we get another dog!
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